Project Description
For those entities with limited in-house resources, we provide a full bookkeeping service based on the client’sneeds. This service will enable entities produce relevant records to facilitate completion of annual accounts together with any interim returns required, including VAT, PAYE/PRSI, RCT, etc.
Payroll processing
We currently undertake payroll computation together with completion of monthly (P30) and annual returns (P35) for a variety of clients. Those services are provided in some instances because the client does not have the in-house expertise to produce the payroll and in other instances we are requested to undertake an executive payroll function. The executive payroll function fulfils a need for confidentiality on behalf of clients as they wish to restrict access to remuneration levels of executives within the organisation.
Current payrolls are based on a number of payment periods including weekly, fortnightly and monthly.
The basis of remuneration within the current payrolls varies considerably. In some instances it is a constant regular gross pay while in others it is based on variable hours and overtime computed on an appropriate rate per hour. The payrolls can be configured so that the client can, after review of the payments effect electronic transfer of funds to individual employees bank accounts. We can advise you on the selection of appropriate payroll software which will fulfil your function requirements.